The demands of Muslim & Christian youth leaders
Today, we are glad to present you the illustrated version of the charter that has been adopted by the unanimity of all 80 youth leaders. In several meetings and thanks to the help of an elected drafting committee amongst their members, the youth leaders agreed on a strong text with their demands for the future. Our Egyptian volunteer Menna illustrated the 8 chapters of the book with true stories that were collected together with the youth leaders. And in the introduction of each chapter, Friedrich, our secretary general, presents the results of a representative survey conducted by the youth leaders amongst more than 800 children of Akkar.
We would like to thank all youth leaders, both Lebanese and Syrians from all Muslim and Christian communities of the region, for their hard work. We also thank Sheikh Zayd Zakariya, the elected Mufti of Akkar, Saidna Basilius Mansour, Greek-Orthodox Archbishop of Akkar, Saidna Youssef Soueif, Maronite Archbishop of Tripoli, as well as Sheikh Hassan Hamed and Ustaz Ahmad Haddam, the elected representatives of the Alawite community in Akkar, for their support and their endorsement. Last but not least, we would like to thank GIZ and the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development to have funded this project.
If you follow the link below, you can download the book in low resolution. Please contact us if you wish to receive or reproduce it in printed form!
R&R Children of Akkar.pdf |