31/01/18: €3,100 by Siddarth Bhat via PayPal
28/01/18: $250 by anonymous via cash donation
24/01/18: €54.74 by Jessica Marglin via PayPal
23/01/18: $50 by Kristina Wonderly via PayPal
22/01/18: $50 by anonymous via cash donation
13/01/18: $200 by John O'Farrell via PayPal
01/01/18: $62 from the collect box at the Peace Centre
28/01/18: $250 by anonymous via cash donation
24/01/18: €54.74 by Jessica Marglin via PayPal
23/01/18: $50 by Kristina Wonderly via PayPal
22/01/18: $50 by anonymous via cash donation
13/01/18: $200 by John O'Farrell via PayPal
01/01/18: $62 from the collect box at the Peace Centre