Eye-witness report from Akkar, Lebanon
The stories we hear are horrifying. One survivor said he had buried 110 corpses with his own hands on the way between Qusayr and Lebanon. Entire families had to walk for up to 10 days in the mountains, without food, water or any other supplies. Once they arrive in Arsal, many of the survivors head on to other regions of Lebanon to find a safe place. Those in dire need of medical treatment are received by the Lebanese Red Cross and distributed to hospitals in different regions of Lebanon.
But this is merely the beginning of another torture. Despite the incredible efforts many Lebanese make for accommodating Syrian refugees, we have received alarming reports about the refusal of emergency aid. Most of Lebanese hospitals are private institutions and receive wounded refugees only against cash. No money, no treatment! Some hospitals are reported to have doubled prices for Syrian refugees.
This is only the beginning of the massive influx of survivors from Qusayr. Every day, about 50 heavily wounded refugees are arriving in Akkar alone. Thousands are still on the road. With the modest means of a new NGO, R&R Syria is contributing to the funding of medical treatment in the most urgent cases, primarily for the benefit of the youth. But much more is needed. Akkar is at the verge of a massive aid crisis.