First-aid kits for survivors from Qusayr

In preparation of our small opening and we have started the distribution of first-aid items to newly arriving refugees who had to flee the hell of Qusayr. After a thorough evaluation of the needs and of the crisis response in the field, we decided to distribute emergency-aid items that are not included into the standard operational procedures of the UNHCR to new arriving refugees.

20 families with 123 individuals are living in the informal tented settlement that has received our first aid distribution, most of them are deeply traumatised and wounded kids. Most of them had to walk for more than a week in the Syrian mountains, under heavy shelling, before reaching Lebanon.
But their suffering is far from over- nobody of the national and international organisations took care of the wounded, even not of children. In the coming days, we are going to launch particular fundraising campaigns for the most urgent cases. As for now, each family has received at least an Emergency-Aid Kit.

We are holding contact with this community and will progressively expand our reach in the Akkar district. Our volunteers and social assistants will visit this settlement at least once a week. Please support us with a small donation for sustaining our work. Please contact us if you want to join us this summer as a volunteer!